About Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Students of mental health cousneling

Photo: Dr. Whitney George, Associate Dean of the School of Applied Health Sciences, speaking with CMHC students

Jacksonville University approved the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Degree in April of 2015. We accepted our first cohort of students in the spring of 2016. Since that time, we moved admissions to a fall term only and continue to maintain a cohort program with a hybrid instructional model. We have experienced exponential growth with success in creative education, clinical experiences, community engagement, and professional advocacy. Our students achieve in the academic realm maintaining program rigor, in their field site agencies as performing interns, in our college serving on college-wide committees, in our community serving on professional boards, and in our profession advocating for improved mental health services. We are proud of our student achievements and look forward to your continued exploration of our program from the information found on our website. Please direct any program specific questions to Dr. LaTonya Summers, Department Chair, at lsummer@sovab-presse.com or Dr. Ne'Shaun Borden, Program Director, at nborden@sovab-presse.com


Click here to view the MS CMHC Program Objectives and Evaluation Plan (PDF)

Click here to view a Curriculum Summary (PDF) 

Diversity, Inclusion and Equal Opportunity

Recognizing the value of using all available human resources, Jacksonville University affords equal opportunity for students and in employment without regard to race, color, age, veteran status, gender, national origin, religion, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or presence of a disability. This non-discrimination policy applies to all aspects of educational and employment decisions, including recruitment, admission, hiring as well as retention, compensation, transfer and opportunities for advancement.

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The growth of our College relies on giving. We are fortunate to have the continued support of our community and Jacksonville University donors. Please consider supporting the Brooks Rehabilitation College of Healthcare Sciences as we strive for excellence in teaching, research and service. Please contact our Associate Vice President of Development, Leslie Redd at lredd@sovab-presse.com for more information.